Friday, 24 October 2014

Becoming Katy Perry...

     Ah, Halloween. That one time of the year when us 'basic' girls get to wear wigs and rhinestones without fear of judgement and odd looks. This year I've decided on the task to be Katy Perry. In the beginning I was going to be Nicki Minaj because, let's face it, aside from the bountiful behind and slightly darker skin tone of Ms Minaj, are they not the same person, visually? No. Not really. But I want to wear pink eye shadow and bright lipstick, so they were my immediate reactions. 
     I've bought leopard print pants and a whole bunch of jewels, so hopefully I can do my best. I did a test run of the makeup, and I think I've got it down. Eyelashes hold up, black brows are impeccable, bright lips on lock. The wig, though. Ugh! I've bought two, and the both have thick hair on the top, and one layer of long hair. It's a mullet. I'm stock-piling mullets. So I'm ready to be an extra if the remake 'Deliverance' in my area. 
     I'm going to try to bedazzle the crap out of these pants. Fingers crossed! 

***Nik's Bits***

  • For the first time in forever, while in the shower, I grabbed the shampoo instead of it's identically-bottle conditioning counterpart. Does anyone else feel like that's a small victory?
  • The string ripped off of my tea bag. Sad face.
  • I found some Rimmel Show Offs/ Apocolips at my dollar store. $3 a piece. A steal considering they're still $7 at Walmart (my comparison store for anything). I picked up 'Nova' and 'Stellar'. I'm heading back tomorrow for more. And more rhinestones. They're going to think I'm making a Liberace showroom in my living room.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Back in the Saddle Again

Oh, so happy to be sitting here again. What a crazy summer. I'm so glad that it's over and that fall is here. Not only because I'm currently in love with dark matte lips and chunky sweaters. It was quite a taxing few months on the home front. I'm sitting in the living room of our new house. We've downsized from a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom to a 2 bedroom, one bathroom (and a room with a shower stall). We originally sold the house because of cost and our marital situation was really rocky at the time. But luckily we've worked things out in terms of our relationship (or I should say we are working things out. It's a process) and bought this house for much more than originally looking. But we love the house, and are saving some money as opposed to what we were paying. It's a lovely home with a lot of great details, but also needs a lot of finishing work done. Which we are planning to do together, so it should be exciting. Or one of us will go at the other with a nail gun. It's a toss up. 

Also, I'm extremely excited to get a new makeup station set-up! The bedroom is a lot bigger, and has ample room for a desk and shelves. It's going to be my project for the next few months. And my closet is AMAZING!! And yes, I say MY. There are 2 in the bedroom. D gets his own, which he can put his 7 sweaters and 3 pairs of jeans (he says his small wardrobe keeps him "humble") and he has graciously let me have the long walk in/walk though. It is incredible. As soon as I get it organized and find somewhere to put the extra boxes and spare mattress that are in it :/ I'll post some pictures. I've already emptied a whole pack of Post It's into my Ikea catalogue. Eeee! 

I'm really going to make an effort to post more often. I'm still trying to figure out how to do it from my iPhone. I find myself being out and about and suddenly something happened that I want to post and then remember, Oh wait, I'm technologically inept. Dang. But give me time. :)

I'm also going to start including "Nik's Bits" at the end of each post. Not only because it sounds naughty, but it will give me a place to put all of the odds and ends that are floating around in my mind. It will be a list of brain farts, essentially. :) Like so:

***Nik's Bits***

  • I have succumbed to the 90's Lip craze. ((I will NOT call it the 'Kylie Jenner lip'. She was born in '97. She spent most of the latter part of the 90's pooping her pants.)) I've been using Revlon's Rose Velvet over NYX's Nude Pink liner (my favourite liner anyway, I can't get enough). It's perfect. I have swatches on my Instagram.
  • I'm in the process of trying to make a weekly meal plan. So far it's meatloaf and meatballs. Apparently we're big meat fans
  • The weather today was gray and wet. It's like it was dreary and 5pm all day. Yuck.